Friday, 16 July 2010

Year 5 Camp by Mr Willson - Parent Governor

To all of Year 5

Thank you for an enjoyable weekend Camping and your thank you card, this i really appreciated.  Thank you also to the parents for my gift.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with you all and i hope you all enjoyed your camping experience! What were your best moments?  The best bit for me was Mr Lavis's campfire story with campfire doughnuts!!

During the Camp Weekend you all made some fantastic shelters from willow, leaves and branches. All of them looked good enough to sleep in. Talking of sleep, i have just about caught up on mine, after a few early morning starts.

Thank you all.

I'd like to wish you all a very enjoyable Summer Holiday.

Best Regards

Mr Willson

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Yr5 Camp 2010

We all made shelters out of willow trees. To make it we had to dig some tall and strong willow sticks into the ground. Then we weaved leafy willow between the strong willow.  Next we put on the leafy willow vertically to make it camouflaged. Next we could decorate it with anything we could find e.g. grass to make it look like a hill.
There was a massive water fight between two teams, playing capture the flag.  Afterwards there was a normal everyone vs everyone water fight.
Scott had the best water pistol, it fired loads of water in every shot. Scott brought two guns one was a shield with powerful jets of water coming out of three different holes. Lots of people brought super soaks.

We did an off road biking test. The hardest thing was taking a cup off a table then riding to the other side of the table and putting the cup back on,without falling off the bike or putting your feet down. Afterwards we were allowed to do what we wanted to do on our bikes except go out the grounds.

We also did treasure hunting for treasure cards so we could have sweets.

By Jamie Russell


You do know camping is fun,well if you didn't you do
now its AMAZING!!
Especially at school, you make teams like; star riders and bubbling over and some teams win and
some teams lose but everything is still great!
We did some cool activities like; city building-------]
shelter building and campfires at night.
Don't forget the traditional spooooooooooky story!
And of course,sweets and staying up all night!:D!
For some the BBQ is just a night out but not for
Y5 as its Y5 camp i forgot that!:D!

By Sophhhhhhiiiiiiieeeeeeeee Y5

year 5 camp !

On Friday after the BBQ it was year 5 camp and we got our stuff ready and got our tents up and got in the tents and had a look around and it was small but me and my best friend got used to it. Then we had a little play and a little bit later after the play later on in the day the teachers put tea on and then a bit later on after abit of work we had a fire. Then we got in the tents and had a talk then we went to bed but me and my friend could'nt sleep because we missed our mums .. :/ Then on Saturday morning we had a delicous breakfast then after breakfast we brushed our teeth then our hair and talked in our tents and the boys were playing footy in astroterve. then we went to bed .. Then sunday morning we had fun again we done some stuff we started to get our tents down me and my friend took ages to get the tent down and then we went home.

year5 camp

On Saturday we we had bike riding lessons, it was fun. We had to do all kinds of stuff, including picking up a cup of water whilst cycling.  
Then we went for a free ride, we could go in the astro, playground, car park and field.
And then we had lunch. 
Next we had a massive water fight. We split in to two teams. We had to capture a flag and bring it back to our base. But if we got wet we had to go back to base.
After that we built dens, it was exciting. We only used willow but different types of willow.
We  were going to sleep in them but it was too cold. They are still up behind the astro so feel free to have a look.

by Charlie    

Our Cool Camp !!

Hey, year 5 camp started Friday night after the BBQ ..... Then what happened was everyone went home and the people who were doing year 5 camp stayed (obviously) for 3 days and 2 nights .. Me and my best friend slept in a tent together.. The first tent wee slept in had ants in the tent, it was funny because when we went to bed there were loads of ants. It was really funny because we woke up in the morning and we had ants in our bags that had our clothes in and the ants went in our cover..... And every-morning it was really annoying because my friend kept waking me up.... And then on Saturday we made this city thing, and we had a water fight and made a shelter with my friends. We did a treasure hunt that was hard but my mates mum and dad helped us, which was kind of them Also me and my friend went shopping with one of the teachers who stayed with us through the day and night but she didn't stay all the night, she went home... Before bed we had a fire on and we had doughnuts ... yum yum .... I always wanted to get in ma PJ's, my mate laughed at me and we sat in our tent, it was really fun. Afterwards we went to bed but me and my friend couldn't sleep. We missed our mummy's (but we were fine because  we hugged each other:)... On Sunday morning before breakfast we had a play. Then we had breakfast, brushed our teeth and brushed our hair (well the girls did). Well that's it for now if you have read this thank you and sorry about all the writing ... bye bye .... :) WE HAD A GOOD WEEKEND, I hope you did. By Mikaila Y5 .

Y5 Camp 2010

The BBQ started at 6:00pm and our class, year 5 of course, was given a hot meal card so you could get a free burger.  At 9:00 everybody went home but year 5 slept at the school for the night camping. At 10:00 we went to bed and me and my friend went to sleep at 1:00 and woke up at 5:00 in the morning. Our deputy head teacher set something up in the hall because she does not want us playing football at 5:00 in the morning. 
On Saturday, in the morning we had breakfast and then I had to write a shopping list and my teacher said it was my neatest writing ever!!!We went to play football and then we did a treasure hunt and we were in parners. We won 10 sweets each. After that we did some cycling.  Then we had some lunch because the shoppers came back. It was nice but the water melon was the nicest of all. After lunch we had a water fight but is was not exactly a fight. Next we played football again. After that we made shelters and when they were finished we had a 45 minutes break.  Tea came and Brandon's chilli was lovely. Miss Grant made chocolate and jam doughnuts. Me, my friend and the head teacher played 'pull'. Then he told us a story and we went to bed.
In the morning we tidied up and went home 
by Samuel  


Hi there every-one, guess what our class did last weekend! Guess, because I'm not going to tell you! See if you can guess and I'll tell you at the end of the blog!

Anyway,we were in tents,(WE HAD LOADS OF
I'll tell you some of the CRAZY activities we did:
:a crazy water fight (I won of course!)
:shelter building
:orienteering(I got sweets)
and  we slept in tents and they had names  
 the team names where:
:Bubbling over
:star riders
Each team tried to earn points and guess who won it
had to be stariders didn't it! They won with 49 points! the answer to all your question was year-5-camp (now I know why I went)
by Georgia


Year 5 camp 2010

Year 5 camp 2010 started Friday night after the BBQ. We had to put the tents up and in our tent Josh got stuck inside whilst trying to put it up. We slept two nights but stayed there for three days.

The first thing we did was the treasure hunt. We had to find numbers on laminated card and put them on our map. Our name was Bluebell Pirates because we had to name it after a flower or tree. We also had a crossword to fill in.We filled it in by answering questions told to us by the teachers once you've found that number but you had to find them in order.

Next we built shelters using hard and smooth willow. The smooth willow was easy to bend.     The hard willow was for the base to help it stand up. There was also willow with leafs on them to make it warmer. Some people such as Jamie put grass on there shelters.

Last of all we had a water fight and I had a really good gun, it was a Super Soaker. I was General of our team.

Written by Scott
Edited by Nick

Year 5 Camp 2010

Our class had Year 5 camp!!!
On Saturday moring our class had 4 teams which were, Star Riders, S.S.X's, Bubbling Over and Beautyfies.
In the morning we did some cyling. And we were allowed to cycle around the school free after passing our cycling test.

 After lunch we had a mad water fight. It was literally MAD!!!We had two teams with the water fight competing with one another trying to get the flag.In the afternoon we did shelter building and we made our hall into a city.
Before bed we had hot chocolate and doughnuts in front of the fire, and Mr Lavis told a spooky story called the silent women.
In the night me and my friends couldn't stop chatting.

The next moning i was the first to wake up in our tent.I tried to wake up my friends them up but only one of them woke up. So me and my friend went into the hall and left our other friend sleeping in our tent.Me and my friend were playing around in the hall.  Eventually she woke up and came into the hall with us.

We had breakfast and then we had to tidy up the tents, pick up the spare rubbish left over the field and then we went home.

By Charlotte

Year 5 Camp

On Saturday we had to find all the objects for the treasure hunt. There were 13 challenges and we had to find some silky stuff and crumbly stuff etc.
After the treasure hunt we went on a cycling practice to get better on the bikes. Here is a picture

After the cycling we had some lunch we had rolls and  water melon. After that we had a massive water fight. Brandon squirted Mrs Dolman and then Mrs Dolman tipped a bucket over Brandon's head.
Next we made shelters with differnt types of willow and some branches. 
Then we had to vote a boss to help build the city.Here are some pics.  by Josh

Monday, 5 July 2010

Astronomy Website

Click on the link below for the astronomy website.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Arts Week - Japan

All of White Rhino Base have thoroughly enjoyed arts week. We began the week by watching Laputa: Castle in the Sky. In the film the heroes try to find legenday floating cities, this inspired us to make our own floating islands.  On top of the islands we made is a Shinto shrine (Shintoism is one of the main religions in Japan) and set them in a peaceful zen garden.  The film also inspired us try a cartoon style, that the Japanese invented, known as manga.
The most famous artist from Japan is Hokusai. He made paintings and prints about 200 years ago. Using card we made copies of his prints onto paper.  Above you can see a picture of Kokeshi dolls that we made. The dolls are supposed to have no arms or legs but their painted faces are supposed to show sweetness.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Earth, Sun and Moon website

Click on the link below for the Earth, Sun and Moon website.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Thursday, 27 May 2010

The Great Plant Hunt

Last week, White Rhino base enjoyed taking plant in the Great Plant Hunt, a national survey of wild plants found in the area you live.  We walked to Stour Meadows and found plenty of different species such as daisy, dandelion, elder, hawthorn, red clover and sorrel.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Clay Faces

On Wednesday 5th of May we made clay faces on the tree's on the school field.

Firstly, we were given a dollop of clay.  Next, we flattened the clay before we stuck it on the tree.  Then we started searching for things like sticks, flower, acorns etc.; and used them to make our clay faces.
Here are some photographs of our work.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Articles For Debates

Click on the link below for debate articles.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Flora and Fauna Identification Website

Click on the link below for the flora and fauna identification website.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

School Uniform Articles

Click on the link below for articles about school uniform.

Times Table Website

Click on the link below for the times table website.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Art Workshop

This afternoon at White Rhino base we were fortunate to have a visiting artist run a workshop for us.  Firstly, we learnt about Holi, the spring festival celebrated by Hindus. Next we studied some of the designs created out of powder paint as part of the celebration. Last of all, we made our own designs, as you can see in the picture below.

World War II Street Party

White Rhino base had a whizzo time at their mock World War II street party.  The jelly was superb (especially lime flavour) and we had a sing song to 1940 pop favourites such as 'Run Rabbit Run'.

Ordering positive and negative numbers website

Click on the link below for the website.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Monday, 29 March 2010

Great Day with Year 5 - Mr Willson, School Governor

I would like to thank of all Year 5 for my enjoyable day in class last Friday.  

I enjoyed participating in Active Time and learnt some new Basketball Skills! If only i could have put the Basketball through the Net!  More practice required!

For those of you that i spent time with during your literacy lesson, there were some great story adaptions of Alibaba and the 40 Thieves which i enjoyed assisting you with. The same goes for the rest of Year 5. Well Done! 

I also enjoyed assisting you during your numeracy lesson with some great work achieved.

Thank you for your time and keep up the great work.

Best Regards

Mr Willson

Monday, 22 March 2010

WWII - Rationing Website Link

Click on the link below for the BBC WWII rationing challenge.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Enterprise Week

For enterprise week White Rhino Base made mosaic patterns out of recycled tiles. 
Each hand made design was completely original. 
The beautiful tiles prooved to be extremely popular at the Enterprise Week fair and we sold all of our goods very quickly.