Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Year 5 Camp 2010

Our class had Year 5 camp!!!
On Saturday moring our class had 4 teams which were, Star Riders, S.S.X's, Bubbling Over and Beautyfies.
In the morning we did some cyling. And we were allowed to cycle around the school free after passing our cycling test.

 After lunch we had a mad water fight. It was literally MAD!!!We had two teams with the water fight competing with one another trying to get the flag.In the afternoon we did shelter building and we made our hall into a city.
Before bed we had hot chocolate and doughnuts in front of the fire, and Mr Lavis told a spooky story called the silent women.
In the night me and my friends couldn't stop chatting.

The next moning i was the first to wake up in our tent.I tried to wake up my friends them up but only one of them woke up. So me and my friend went into the hall and left our other friend sleeping in our tent.Me and my friend were playing around in the hall.  Eventually she woke up and came into the hall with us.

We had breakfast and then we had to tidy up the tents, pick up the spare rubbish left over the field and then we went home.

By Charlotte

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