We all made shelters out of willow trees. To make it we had to dig some tall and strong willow sticks into the ground. Then we weaved leafy willow between the strong willow. Next we put on the leafy willow vertically to make it camouflaged. Next we could decorate it with anything we could find e.g. grass to make it look like a hill.

There was a massive water fight between two teams, playing capture the flag. Afterwards there was a normal everyone vs everyone water fight.

Scott had the best water pistol, it fired loads of water in every shot. Scott brought two guns one was a shield with powerful jets of water coming out of three different holes. Lots of people brought super soaks.
We did an off road biking test. The hardest thing was taking a cup off a table then riding to the other side of the table and putting the cup back on,without falling off the bike or putting your feet down. Afterwards we were allowed to do what we wanted to do on our bikes except go out the grounds.
We also did treasure hunting for treasure cards so we could have sweets.
By Jamie Russell
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