Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Y5 Camp 2010

The BBQ started at 6:00pm and our class, year 5 of course, was given a hot meal card so you could get a free burger.  At 9:00 everybody went home but year 5 slept at the school for the night camping. At 10:00 we went to bed and me and my friend went to sleep at 1:00 and woke up at 5:00 in the morning. Our deputy head teacher set something up in the hall because she does not want us playing football at 5:00 in the morning. 
On Saturday, in the morning we had breakfast and then I had to write a shopping list and my teacher said it was my neatest writing ever!!!We went to play football and then we did a treasure hunt and we were in parners. We won 10 sweets each. After that we did some cycling.  Then we had some lunch because the shoppers came back. It was nice but the water melon was the nicest of all. After lunch we had a water fight but is was not exactly a fight. Next we played football again. After that we made shelters and when they were finished we had a 45 minutes break.  Tea came and Brandon's chilli was lovely. Miss Grant made chocolate and jam doughnuts. Me, my friend and the head teacher played 'pull'. Then he told us a story and we went to bed.
In the morning we tidied up and went home 
by Samuel  

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