Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Year 5 camp 2010

Year 5 camp 2010 started Friday night after the BBQ. We had to put the tents up and in our tent Josh got stuck inside whilst trying to put it up. We slept two nights but stayed there for three days.

The first thing we did was the treasure hunt. We had to find numbers on laminated card and put them on our map. Our name was Bluebell Pirates because we had to name it after a flower or tree. We also had a crossword to fill in.We filled it in by answering questions told to us by the teachers once you've found that number but you had to find them in order.

Next we built shelters using hard and smooth willow. The smooth willow was easy to bend.     The hard willow was for the base to help it stand up. There was also willow with leafs on them to make it warmer. Some people such as Jamie put grass on there shelters.

Last of all we had a water fight and I had a really good gun, it was a Super Soaker. I was General of our team.

Written by Scott
Edited by Nick

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